Soap: Maple, honey, sugar soap with frankincense and myrrh.

I thought I was being so cool.

It was raining here in Houston.

The sky turned completely black.

Then white, then black again.

I had just finished making my avocado dream bar and thought to myself. What the hell? Let me go ahead and make this sugar soap happen.

So I took the recipe that I got from Catherine’s class at the HSCG conference and recalculated it for 1 pound of oils.

And so I’m here, and I’m ready to make this soap. And as I mentioned before, I’m not a huge cold process soapmaker – but no big deal, I thought. I saw 3 people making cold process so last week. I can do it too. And?I Famous last words?

I decided to eyeball splitting the mixture into 3 parts.

Don’t do this!

That was my first mistake.

My maple syrup layer was a lot.

My honey layer was less.

And my granulated sugar layer even less than that.

So when I added in the water-dissolved sugars in each of the respective layers, I ended up with too much water for the soap content.

In my, as I love to say, 10 years of soapmaking I have not had many, if any, mistakes. There were maybe like 2 soap fails in that time?

I’m looking at this monstrosity of a sugar soap loaf right now.

The bottom of the soap beautiful. That Maple sugar line is nice. It smells lovely.

The honey line nice doing great.

The granulated sugar line. Terrible, it’s squishy. It’s not even spongy, it’s just squishy, it’s crumbly. And there is little chance in my opinion, that it’s going to form into solid soap. Hmmph!