🌟 Happy National Webmistress Day! 🌟

I just learned that National Webmistress Day is celebrated today. As a web developer, I want to offer some career advice to those navigating the tech world – especially women!

Just like in my recent soapmaking experience, where I crafted a new recipe inspired by a favorite dessert, our careers can benefit from experimentation and creativity.

Here are a few key takeaways that can help you flourish in your tech career:

-Experiment & Prototype: Don’t be afraid to start small. Just as I make sample bars of soap to test new recipes, create prototypes or side projects to explore your interests. This minimizes risk and allows you to learn and adapt.

-Learn from Feedback: Each bar of soap teaches me something new about formulations and techniques. Similarly, seek constructive feedback from peers or mentors. It’s essential to let go of ego, understand how your work is perceived, and where you can improve.

-Network & Collaborate: Community matters! Engage with others who share your passion. I miss #WomenWhoCode dearly. Thankfully, organizations like #SUPERGirlsSHINE, #TechLadies, and #Skillcrush bring women together around our shared love for solving problems with technology. I absolutely recommend each of these groups. A quick convo at a networking event turns into valuable insights and opportunities. Join groups or attend meetups that interest you (like my Houston Soapmakers group!) to share ideas and experiences.

-Stay Curious: Just as I sometimes experiment with unique scents and ingredients in soapmaking, keep learning and expanding your skillset in your area of expertise. Explore new technologies or languages that excite you!

Remember, your journey in tech is like crafting the perfect bar of soap: it takes patience, creativity, and a willingness to adapt. Let’s empower each other and celebrate the #innovation we bring to our #career! 💪❤️

Make soap with me in-person. Sign up for live event updates in my email newsletter: 📧 https://learn.superpowersoap.com/newsletter

#NationalWebmistressDay #WebDevelopment #WebDeveloper #FrontEndDevelopment #UX #CareerAdvice #WomenInTech #Networking #Empowerment

Happy National Webmistress Day!